Be Your Own Adventure

Creating Everyday Adventures

I Have Everything I Need


I saw this photo on Pinterest. I saw it about a week ago & I just haven’t been able to get it out of my head. It’s true. I really do have everything I need. And yet, I seem to have this compulsion to get more & more. I use shopping as therapy – I get that little rush when I buy something, but it doesn’t last long. That’s not to say that I spend a lot – I’m definitely a bargain shopper, but that sometimes means that I just buy things because they’re cheap & get another little self-satisfied rush because I got a good deal & walk away with something that I don’t really need or even want.

Now I am not against having things or buying things. I love what William Morris said, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” It’s good & even right to, as you are able, surround yourself with beauty & inspiration.

I could give you lots of reasons why I shop & buy – not having a lot of material things when I was growing up, moving around a lot so “things” equate home & security. But the fact is, I buy too much stuff & then my house feels full & cluttered & I feel bad. It’s that way because of my own choices.

I want to change how I look at things, how I comfort myself, how I bring things into my home. I am not giving up “stuff”, but I want to think about things more whether it’s clothes, toys, entertainments or home decor. I want to have a plan & really bring useful & beautiful things into my home. I want to begin with contentment with what I have. I want to move away from envy. I want to find joy in simple things.

All that to say that I am embarking on another challenge. I originally thought that I would do this challenge for a month, but eventually realised that wasn’t long enough. So for the next three months, I’m not going to buy anything. Now, before you freak out, this doesn’t include groceries & I will buy medicine if need be, but I’m not going to buy “stuff”. In store or online – gasp! Whatever will I do with myself? I am hoping that this will spur my creativity & help me to deal with the things that I already have in a wise way.

Please don’t get me wrong, I am not against shopping, even recreational shopping, but for me, I need to change things & I have recognised that I have a problem & I want to change. Plus, think of all the money I’m going to save in three months!

I’m excited, I’m fearful. I won’t purchase anything until the beginning of August. August 3rd to be exact. Pray for me! I’ll check in from time to time to let you know how it’s going. Colin is going to be so happy!

3 thoughts on “I Have Everything I Need

  1. Well if you think it’s best dear, I guess I’ll try to be supportive.

    Maybe my challenge for the next three months should be to try to buy as much stuff as possible?

  2. you go! you can do it!

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